Light on Light has taken on a new Special Project!
With members of the Evolutionary Leaders’ Unitive Narrative Synergy Circle and Cornerstone Synergy Circles we have brought to fruition a children’s book project with visionary children’s story writer and illustrator Victoria Friedman working with:
- renowned cosmologist Dr. Jude Currivan— sharing the vision of modern Cosmology (ONE BRIGHTNESS), and
- iconic author Dr. Riane Eisler— on the promise of a caring civilization replacing our current worlds’ dominance hierarchies (FOG BUSTERS).
These two colorful and inspiring books are available now at all booksellers.

These amazing books will also be being featured at Light on Light, VistarView, WholeWorld-View, Center for Partnership, and many other websites. And, the project and the books are also be featured in a special program for the 2023 GLOBAL ONENESS SUMMIT, October 24, 2023, Here, and Here.
Light on Light will continue to update you on ONE BRIGNTNESS AND FOG BUSTERS.
About the Authors
VICTORIA FRIEDMAN is a visionary, artist, author, and co-founder of VistarView, a non-
profit organization dedicated to Self- Discovery, Collective Consciousness, and spontaneous
Creativity. Graduating with a BA in Fine Arts, she worked as a ceramicist, selling to galleries
across the U.S. She started “The Clayway Arts Center” offering clay classes with as many as
70 children a week for 10 years. Following that she founded Spirit Club for children which
lasted 8 years, a labor of Love where her inspired stories delighted young and old. Her
beloved children know her as Tory, the Fairy Queen. Victoria is the author of SPIRIT
DOODLING: The Effortless Expression of No-Mind, and the children’s book, Florissa the
DR. RIANE EISLER is a systems scientist, cultural historian, attorney, consultant, and
speaker whose research showing how to construct a more equitable and less violent world
based on partnership rather than domination has inspired scholars and social activists, . She
is president of the Center for Partnership, editor in chief of the Interdisciplinary Journal of
Partnership, and internationally known for her bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our
History, Our Future, (Harper & Row, 1987), now in 57 U.S. printings and 27 foreign editions.
She has written other books applying her research to evolution, religion, education, sexuality,
economics, and politics. Eisler keynotes conferences worldwide, teaches online, consults on
the partnership model, and has pioneered expansion of human rights to include most of
humanity: women and children. Her The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring
Economics (Berrett-Koehler, 2007) was hailed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu as “a template
for the better world we have been so urgently seeking.” https: //
DR. JUDE CURRIVAN is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, co-founder of
WholeWorld-View, and previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. Jude
integrates leading edge science, consciousness research, and universal wisdom teachings
into a wholistic world-view. She holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading
in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford
University specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. She is the author of seven non-
fiction books currently available in 16 languages and 26 countries. Her latest books are The
Cosmic Hologram: In-formation at the Center of Creation (2017) a silver Nautilus Book
Award winner, and book two of the trilogy The Story of GAIA: The Big Breath and the
Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planet (2022) a gold Nautilus Book Award winner.
ELLEN MANN comes from a musical family. Ellen and her brothers and sister formed the
band “Free Design,” whose music can be described as sunshine pop and baroque pop. The
group performed and toured extensively throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In 1974 Ellen met
Kenneth G. Mills, Canadian metaphysical/philosophical speaker, musician, and author. In
1976, Ellen and her brother and sister became the founding members of the unique vocal
group The Star-Scape Singers conducted by Dr. Mills. Star-Scape made their American
debut a Carnegie Hall in 1981, ultimately performing seven concerts there. When Starscape
embarked upon European tours, performing at large choral festivals. Ellen moved out of the
ensemble and began serving the many outreach modalities of Dr. Mills’ message. She was
involved in supervising the development of the several of Dr. Mills centers. She was the
videographer for his lectures and was central in the publications of his 30 books. Now Ellen
offers her graphic skills and book creation to those with a message of wonder and love.